Personal Transformation

My 18-Month Transformation: From 112kg to 82kg, Powered by Habits

If you want to be tough, you need to live like someone tough. That was one of the biggest realizations of my journey. It’s not about willpower in the moment—it’s about the habits you build and live by every single day. Habits don’t just make life easier; they define who you are. Over the course of 18 months, I went from 112kg to 82kg with around 8% body fat. The secret? Consistency and the right habits. They weren’t dramatic or flashy, but they were effective, and they’ve reshaped both my body and my mindset.

Cause and Effect: Seeing Results with the Body Scanner

One of the most useful tools in my journey was a body scanner (InBody analyzer), which helped me track my progress and see real-time changes in muscle, fat, and water content. This data showed the direct results of my daily habits, whether it was the time spent in the gym, changes in my diet, or recovery. It made the whole process more grounded in reality, allowing me to tweak my routine and stay motivated.

Investing in a personal trainer early on also played a key role. Even a few sessions with a trainer helped me establish the right workouts and routines that suited my goals. Writing them down and sticking to them was crucial. Find the people who will help guide you on your journey—that alone can make a world of difference.

Overcoming Depression: Boxing My Way Out

Before this transformation, I was in a dark place. I gained weight rapidly during the COVID lockdown and, along with that, I lost friends, my job, and a lot of emotional stability. I felt powerless, and even though I was going to the gym, I wasn’t in shape. I struggled mentally and physically.

Learning boxing became my escape. Practicing techniques in the gym, hitting the punching bag, focusing on the rhythm and movement—it gave me something to channel my energy into. The physicality of boxing and the repetition of drilling those skills kept me busy and occupied. The more time I spent working on boxing, the quieter my mind became. It was a way to fight back against the weight of depression, both literally and figuratively.

The Silent Champions: Water, Sleep, and Breathing

Some of the simplest habits had the biggest impact on my transformation: drinking enough water, getting consistent sleep, and focusing on my breathing. These might sound basic, but they were game-changers for me.

Water: Pay Attention to TDS

One of the first things I did was shift my focus to drinking water with the right minerals. It wasn’t about chasing after the latest fad with pH levels or anything like that. Instead, I paid attention to TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) when buying water. The minerals in the water helped me stay hydrated and recover faster. It’s such a simple habit, but one that made a noticeable difference. The key is to drink good-quality, mineral-rich water that supports your body, especially when you’re pushing it physically.

Sleep: Consistency is Everything

I used to think I could get by with just a few hours of sleep, but I learned that proper, consistent sleep was one of the most important habits I could build. Getting 8-9 hours a night allowed my body to recover after hard workouts, and it gave me the mental freshness to handle everything else in my day. Sleep isn’t just about rest—it’s about giving your body the time it needs to heal and reset. It was the consistency of this habit that made all the difference.

Breathing: Feeling Alive

Breathing is something we do without thinking, but paying attention to it helped keep me grounded. I started focusing on expanding my lungs fully, feeling the air fill my chest, and appreciating the simple act of being alive. It might seem small, but this habit kept me centered and reminded me to stay present, especially when things felt overwhelming. Just the act of taking a deep breath can be enough to reset your mind.

My Daily Habits: The Foundation of Success

The foundation of my transformation has been these daily habits. I didn’t need drastic changes; I needed consistency. These habits kept me grounded and helped me stay on track:

  1. 30 minutes of cardio – Running, shadow boxing, or biking to get my heart rate up daily.
  2. 1 hour of reading – Diving into books, often on history or learning something new, to keep my mind sharp.
  3. 15 minutes of language learning – Expanding my horizons by learning a new languages or phrases of that language in my free time.
  4. Weightlifting – 3 sets of 10 reps per muscle group to build strength and endurance.
  5. Drinking 3-4 liters of water – Focusing on mineral-rich hydration and varying the amount of water I consume.
  6. 10 games of chess – A mental workout that sharpens my focus and strategic thinking, Blitz chess a quick 1 minute or 3 minute game can make the difference. I try and play 10 games a day.
  7. Kindness to a stranger – A daily practice to spread positivity and keep myself grounded, making someone I don’t know smile or laugh is a great experience, I feel good and so do they.
  8. Counting macros and making them count – Staying mindful of my nutritional intake without obsessing over calories.

These habits became second nature, and over time, they shaped not just my body but my mind as well. Writing them down on a board and checking them off each day helped me stay accountable and gave me a sense of accomplishment.

Life Opening Up Again: Traveling, Reading, and New Experiences

For as long as I can remember, I had dreamed of traveling, but for most of my life, I didn’t know how to make that a reality. Opportunities seemed out of reach, and life felt like it was closing in. But as I worked on myself, both physically and mentally, something remarkable happened: opportunities began to find me. Life started to open up in ways I never anticipated, and suddenly, traveling became possible.

As I started to believe in myself again, I found the courage to take those opportunities. Whether it was exploring new places or diving into books that broadened my horizons, I embraced life with a renewed sense of adventure and curiosity. This journey wasn’t just about losing weight or gaining muscle—it was about shedding the mental barriers that held me back. By focusing on my growth, I opened doors I didn’t even know were there.

Traveling became more than just a dream; it became a way for me to reconnect with the world and with myself. Each trip, each new experience reminded me of what’s possible when you invest in yourself. It wasn’t just my body that transformed—it was my entire approach to life. I started believing again, not just in the process, but in my own ability to create the life I had always imagined.

A Wiser, Healthier Me

I’m not the same person I was when I started this journey—or even the person I was at 18. Back then, I was driven but reckless, pushing through on little sleep and bouncing back quickly from injuries. Now, I’m more deliberate. My body needs more time to recover, and I’ve become more aware of the need for mobility, proper recovery, and injury prevention. The drive is still there, but I’ve learned to prioritize effectiveness over brute force.

This journey taught me that transformation is about adaptation. If you want different results, you need to become a different person—inside and out. By reorienting my habits and mindset, I’ve created lasting changes that are sustainable and meaningful.


The most important lesson I’ve learned from this journey is that transformation is powered by consistent habits. Whether it’s hitting the gym, drinking enough water, or just being kind to a stranger, these small daily actions have the power to reshape your life. There’s no shortcut or magic solution—just the discipline to build habits that align with your goals.

If you want to change something in your life, start with your habits. They define who you are, and they will lead you to where you want to be.