12 Rules for Life

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson is a book that not only provides practical advice but also challenges you to think deeply about how you live your life. For me, this book was life-changing—it reshaped the way I approach my daily challenges and long-term goals.

I’ve been watching Jordan Peterson’s videos on YouTube for over eight years, and during that time, I’ve come to appreciate his ability to blend psychology, philosophy, and everyday wisdom into something that’s both accessible and profound. When I picked up 12 Rules for Life, I was expecting it to be insightful, but I didn’t realize just how much it would resonate with me on a personal level.

The Rules and Their Impact

Peterson’s 12 rules are more than just guidelines; they are principles that can help you navigate life’s complexities. Here are a few that really struck a chord with me:

  1. “Stand up straight with your shoulders back” – This rule might seem like it’s just about physical posture, but it’s really about how you present yourself to the world. Standing tall isn’t just about looking confident; it’s about feeling confident. When you hold yourself up, you’re telling yourself and everyone around you that you’re ready to face whatever comes your way.
  2. “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping” – This rule hit home for me in a big way. I’ve always had a strong propensity to care for others—whether it was through the volunteer work I’ve done over the years or fighting for the livelihood of people in my community. I’ve spent countless sleepless nights going the extra mile to help those in need. But as much as I’ve fought for others, I’ve realized that I’ve never fought for myself with the same level of determination. It’s made me see just how helpless we can be when it comes to our own well-being. This rule opened my eyes to the importance of standing up for myself, treating myself with the same care and concern that I’ve always given to others. It’s definitely one of my favorites in the book.
  3. “Make friends with people who want the best for you” – Your friends have a huge impact on your life. This rule emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care about your well-being and want to see you succeed. It’s about building a support network that helps you grow.
  4. “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today” – This rule is a great antidote to the habit of comparing yourself to others. Instead of focusing on where other people are in their lives, Peterson encourages us to look at our own progress. This ties in perfectly with Charlie Munger’s advice to go to bed just a little wiser than you were when you woke up. It’s about incremental growth—becoming better, bit by bit, every day.
  5. “Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)” – This rule hits close to home for me. Throughout my life, I’ve always chased after what truly mattered to me, even when the road was tough. Pursuing what is meaningful isn’t always the easiest path, but it’s the most rewarding. It has been a long and sometimes painful journey, but I’ve persevered and grown because I focused on what brought meaning to my life. This rule isn’t just advice—it’s a reminder of the journey I’ve been on and the strength it takes to keep going when times are tough.

Personal Reflection

Reading 12 Rules for Life felt like having a deep conversation with someone who truly understands the struggles of life. Peterson’s rules aren’t just theoretical; they’re grounded in real-life experiences, both his and ours. I found myself nodding along, thinking, “Yes, this is what I’ve been through. This is what I’ve learned.”

My own journey hasn’t been easy. I’ve faced dark times—emotionally, spiritually, and in many other ways. But like Peterson, I’ve come to realize that our minds are the most important tools we have. The way we think, the choices we make, the things we pursue—they all shape the course of our lives. 12 Rules for Life is a powerful reminder to take care of your mind, to nurture it, because it determines everything else.


In the end, 12 Rules for Life is more than just a set of rules—it’s a guide to living a meaningful, fulfilling life. Jordan Peterson’s story and reasoning resonate with me deeply because they are so congruent with the course of my own life. Like Peterson, I’ve had to take my destiny into my own hands, take risks, and trust in the power of my mind and abilities. Over the years, I’ve had to make some tough decisions, and this book reaffirms the perspectives and realizations that have guided me through those times.

For anyone who has been through tough times, or who simply wants to live a better life, 12 Rules for Life is a book that offers both wisdom and practical advice. It’s a book that reminds you of the power of the mind and the importance of never giving up on what truly matters.